And who is better in speech than he who supplicates to God and does righteous deeds and says I am of the Muslims
A group of advocacy websites classified thematically according to target groups or those interested in advocacy work
Umm-ul-Qura website
ShowIslam: the Religion of Peace shows with clarity that Islam is the religion of perfect peace and that the spread of Islam means the spread of peace throughout the world. Muslims must always be true to their promises and covenants and must treat others with justice and compassion, particularly those who are weak and vulnerable. This website makes clear that when the early Muslims overpowered major empires and took over vast areas, their motives were not to subjugate people or to enrich themselves. Indeed Islam stands firmly against injustice, tyranny and corruption and builds a state where all people, Muslims and non-Muslims can enjoy full justice and true compassion. Islam helps people to discard the worship of other beings so that they worship God alone. We trust that you will enjoy reading this book and we will be happy to receive your comments and observations.
ShowAn Islamic Research website
ShowWebsite of Understand Quran