موقع يهدف إلى توفير كتاب شامل يحوي مختصرًا لأهم ما يحتاجه المسلم في حياته اليومية، من قرآن، وتفسير، وأحكام فقهية وعقدية، وفضائل وغيرها، وذلك بعدة لغات عالمية.
All divine messages, which the prophets brought to their people, called to the worship of Allah alone without associating anyone in worship with Him and to reject all false deities. In fact, this is the exact meaning of the testimony of faith through which one enters the fold of Islam by pronouncing it.
This is the first electronic project of its kind, that focuses on presenting the daily practical traditions and supplications of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), addressing audience speaking in the world’s most widely spoken languages, in the form of text, images, audio content, notifications, along with many other valuable features.
Contents: 1.Verses and hadiths concerning the virtues of the Qur’an, reciting it and reflecting upon it. 2.The last three juz of the Qur’an which most Muslims focus on, by reading and memorizing them. And More ..........