أنشئت في 31/5/2005، وهي مؤسسة ثقافية إسلامية تهتم بتوفير العناية اللازمة للمسلمين الجدد وتقديم الرعاية الاجتماعية والأسرية لهم، وتفعيل أسلوب التعايش مع المجتمع المسلم، وتعريف المهتمين بالإسلام على حقيقته وجوهره، ونشر روح التسامح والتعايش مع الآخرين.
All divine messages, which the prophets brought to their people, called to the worship of Allah alone without associating anyone in worship with Him and to reject all false deities. In fact, this is the exact meaning of the testimony of faith through which one enters the fold of Islam by pronouncing it.
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A detailed and illustrated explanation of the manner of performing ablutions (wudhoo’), the importance of prayer in the life of a Muslim, the pillars and the obligatory acts of the prayer, in addition to other issues relating to this great act of worship