جمعية الدعوة والإرشاد وتوعية الجاليات بالروضة: جمعية دعوية، من أهدافها: دعوة الناس إلى الإسلام بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة، وتوعية المسلمين، بوسائل دعوية مؤثرة، وشركات تكاملية، وفق اطار مؤسسي، وأنظمة ومعايير مهنية، وخبرات متخصصة.
The prayer (salaat) is the very foundation of religion and a ‘link’ between a servant and his Lord, hence its exalted position as the greatest act of worship in Islam. Almighty Allah commands Muslims to observe it under all circumstances—whether they are residents or travellers, sick or in good health.
An explanation of matters relating to food, the importance of being aware of lawful and unlawful foods, the extent to which food may cause our supplications to be answered by Allah and some etiquette of food and drink in Islam. The book also delineates the rulings of dress in Islam and makes mention of some forbidden types of clothing
A detailed and illustrated explanation of the manner of performing ablutions (wudhoo’), the importance of prayer in the life of a Muslim, the pillars and the obligatory acts of the prayer, in addition to other issues relating to this great act of worship